Concierge IM consults
Get the concierge experience WITHOUT the concierge membership fees !
Same day appointments
Extended appointment times
Nutrition and fitness counselling
Aesthetics treatments
For us to serve you best, we don’t accept insurance, only cash pay. We can provide a super bill for your insurance for reimbursement if you are a non HMO patient.
Physical and virtual consults are available for our established patients and all California residents
Other states will be added soon.
Call us today at 949-749-1049
IntegrUtopia MD
IntegrUtopia MD, Dr. Sahar Lashin MD, PhD brings over 30 years of excellent technical skills in Internal Medicine/ Tropical Medicine, Infectious diseases, Gastroenterology and Liver diseases along with a biological Holistic Integrative personalised approach to each patient.
Dr. Lashin is a leading menopause, bio Identical hormone replacement and Anti Aging integrative medical doctor in Orange county, California.
Dr Lashin incorporates many skills and disciplines to treat her patients all over the world with many happy patients added everyday to her clinic.
IntegrUtopia MD offers on site evaluation tests and modalities which address multiple aspects of mind & body, lifestyle & nutrition, inflammation, weight management, Fungus mold and viral infections, immune system challenges, toxic burden, allergies, hormone balancing, sexual health, insomnia, Fatigue, hair and skin problems.
With Acupuncture, Lymphatic massage, Heat and Light therapy, Sound therapy and Hypnotherapy available, our patients are able to enjoy holistic and Aesthetics Anti Aging treatments all under one roof.
IntegrUtopia MD, is a special place where the Swiss biological approach, the American medical technology and the Far East holistic approaches are all working together for our patients best benefit.
Swiss Biological Medicine
Dr Sahar Lashin is the only medical doctor in California who graduated from Swiss biological Medicine Academy. She received her biological Medicine internship in Switzerland which is the leading country for alternative medicine in Europe.
Dr Lashin is also one of the few American medical doctors who is certified and is affiliated with the clinic in Switzerland referring and treating patients nationally and internationally using the holistic Swiss approach.
Dr Lashin received her clinical training in Paracelsus Clinic, Switzerland. She adopts a combination of the European, American and Eastern medical holistic approach in treating her patients.
How do we treat ?
Dr Lashin adopts the three pillars of Dr Thomas Rau to treat her patients using the most holistic ways to achieve maximum results with minimum or no side effects.
Swiss Biological medicine is a complete approach of diagnostic and therapeutic methods, available at IntegrUtopia MD Clinic. With this approach, applied individually and comprehensively, we are able to achieve healing results with the most difficult medical cases, reverse chronic conditions,avoid disease development and maintain best health results.
Call today for a consult: 949-749-1049